Why you shouldn't let your scary-smart, ADHD preschooler have ANY time unsupervised:
10 - Shout, while an effective stain-remover, is not an effective wall cleaner.
9 - Discovering, and eating, my chocolate stash.
8 - Scaling the front of the entertainment center to get his piggy bank.
7 - Getting his 18-month-old sister out of her booster chair.
6 - How the hell did he figure out the buckle? Even I have trouble with it!
5 - Food coloring experiments in the sink
4 - and on his hands
3 - and on the floor.
2 - How the hell did he get the food coloring down from above the stove??
1 - Silver Metallic Spray Paint was not meant for built-in wooden cutting boards!
At least it was in the sink!!! If it makes you feel any better, my kid got into the food coloring the other day too. She HAD to have scaled the pantry shelves, because I keep it at my eye level. My beige carpet was lovely shades of primary colors...
Yikes! Sounds a lot like my house! Just remember, some day you will look back on all this and laugh!!! *Hopefully ;)*
Ok...sounded like another day in the neighborhood until the metalic paint...LOL...that one was new. I hear ya on the buckles...their a pain. Keep smiling, before to long he'll be a teen then you'll have a whole new set of suprises.
Sounds like a child that should not be let alone. Sometimes I miss the cute toddlers my boys used to be, but not when I read stuff like this!
Anyone need birth control? You can babysit anytime :-)
Laugh--oh goodness. I am sorry! I feel the same way about my daughter. I have cabinet locks on all the cabinets and child safety knobs on all the doors. She is wayyy too interested in everything. She's almost four but I still worry about her getting into everything...
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